Who we are...
What we do...
How we do it...
Why we do it...
Founded in 1876, Mothers’ Union is a women led Christian movement, with four million members worldwide, passionate about transforming and improving community life.
We work to build resilience in individuals, families and communities by working and campaigning to combat poverty, injustice and violence worldwide, including in hard-to-reach communities.
We join together with local people to offer support in practical ways. We share collective strengths, skills and power to help tackle difficult issues. We use resources locally available to offer whatever help is needed, whenever it is needed, to people of all faiths and none.
We’re inspired by God’s love. We believe that kindness, courage and compassionate action and faith in God has the power to change lives and build a future where everyone thrives. Members working and praying together bring strength to one another.
Members meet in:
Bassaleg Church Hall on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month at 2.30pm
and in
St John’s church Rogerstone on the second Tuesday of the month at 2pm
Together we work, pray and have fun together as we serve the MU diocese by, campaigning to raise awareness of domestic violence, supporting projects connected with local hospitals, prisons, contact centres, refugees, foodbanks and much more.
To find out how you can join in this important work whilst having fun and sharing fellowship please contact.
For Bassaleg---Kay Rogers: or
For Rogerstone –Jenny Barton: or
We look forward to welcoming you!